When I woke up this morning, my room was quiet. Everything was still. I have taken advantage of how peaceful and important mornings can be. As they say “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”! Even with my love for breakfast food, I have realized it’s more than what we eat that’s essential to our day. So for today’s tea or coffee, as I now prefer, is all about romanticising our mornings.
There are days where I wake up in a rush to get to a certain destination. These days I feel unorganized and messy. Obviously moments can pass and your day may not go down hill afterwards. But we fixate alot on nighttime routines, the skin care routines, taking a shower, giving ourselves down time before heading to bed. We should give ourselves the same attention in the mornings, the same care.
I have always been slow in the morning. It would take alot in me to eat the two sausage links my mom would convince me to eat before school. On days where I don’t have much to worry about, where I can just sort of be I take all the time in the world. I wake up, lay in bed until I feel like washing my face, head into the kitchen with my pajamas still on, make my expresso coffee and cook whatever I was desiring. If I could I would do this everyday but I “can’t” always do this. I get bombarded with things to do, doctor apts, work, school and the list can go on.
How do I do give myself more love in the morning?
The simple answer would be giving myself more time to just float throughout my mornings. As time is essential, we can build into a balanced and realistic routine. Some celebrities such as the Rock (actor Dwayne Johnson) get up earlier than 7 am to start their day. He explains that by doing this, in getting all the stuff he needs to do for himself done, it eases the stressors of the day. If you take care of yourself first you are more equipt in other relationships. Unlike Dwayne Johnson though some of us are not easily convinced to wake up at 6 am to workout. I certainly am not really a morning person but I would like to become one. Part of creating routines and giving to yourself, is overcoming the habits we have engrained into us. For me to want to be more of a morning person I have to stop hitting the alarm button to be in bed longer. I have to actively change my behaviors to get what I want out of my day. I know that when getting up earlier as I have done in the past, I feel more relaxed to enjoy my mornings and structure out how I will do my day. But in also being realistic I know that I will accidentally oversleep as life can surprise us sometimes.
When I mention the concept of romanticising, its really all of lifes little things that make us feel loved, wanted and cared for. Knowing myself it’s going to take awhile for me to form a habit of waking up earlier to start my day. But even if I woke up at 8 am tomorrow, I would be missing the other elements of the routine. You can be actively improving your behavior without it feeling like an overwhelming adjustment. Instead of waking up hours before your normal time start with being up 30 minutes earlier than usual. I know that the first thing I am programmed to check when I wake up is my phone. My phone is filled with notifications or in other words things to stress over- to distract us with. Instead look around the room, out the window, things that keep us at peace. In my room I like looking at the light reflecting rainbows off my disco ball hanging plant. This is romanticising. Enjoying the pleasures around us, or even about us. Watching yourself brush your teeth, putting on an outfit we feel comfortable in, thinking about some things we are thankful for, the first sip of iced coffee and so on.
I have been attempting to romanticize my mornings. In doing so I have noticed that my attitude for the day is lighter, I feel less of a need to rant and judge others. I am better about completing my work that I planned on finishing in effective ways not just too accomplish the work. I find it easier to listen and be more self aware to those around me. My communication skills are better. And overall I have acknowledged that when I put myself first in the morning my day just goes better. Even if an undesirable moment happens, something uncontrollable goes on, I am able to handle the situation more responsibly.
Wake up around 8:30 am. Lay in bed for a few minutes to take in the atmosphere of my room. Go to the bathroom to make myself feel good in my skin. Go make a cup of coffee, or get an iced coffee for the go! Write down 3 things I am going to do for that day, one can even be as simple as making your bed. And 3 things I am are grateful for. Make myself something nutritious to eat. Listen to soothing music or up beat 2000s music for a little party. Began to work on the blog. Do whatever you need to do for yourself to feel in control of your day. To create a peaceful, calming and blissful morning.